
"Marilyn has a gift of seeing and helping her clients unleash power and strength that has yet to be expressed."
"Her amazing and heartfelt presence is deeply communicated when you work with her. She sponsors and supports women to grow, develop and express their potential."
"I highly recommend Marilyn to women who want to get in touch with and amplify the calling that lies deeply in their heart."
Women's Health and Leadership Coach
"Marilyn holds a large container of support for the wisdom of my own deeper knowing and spiritual connection to come through. This keeps me expanded and grounded, feeling whole, complete and safe in the world as I step fully into my greatest possibilities."
"It is with honor and deep love that I recommend Marilyn to many friends for support and clarity in working out their own life breakthroughs."
"She models the capacity to stay in a state of wonder and connect directly with the spiritual intelligence of life, giving us the capacity to take inspired action from a deep sense of knowing."
"Thanks once more for the beautiful time you helped me to create (by containing and leading) this morning. It is permeating all my thoughts - even my body. Wow! "
"I spent the entirety of last night in my spiritual space—it was just like a vacation.
Thank you!"
"Marilyn Hager is an incredible coach, with a voice that is life-giving. Her insights bring clarity to my search for higher perspectives toward my life-long challenges."
"Marilyn leads me toward my own brilliance as I dive deeply into my vulnerabilities and emerge knowing how to live in the freedom that comes with self-love."
"Marilyn's solutions to my real-life quarries come from combining her own life experience with my Soul's guidance instead of a pre-memorized formula."
"I feel so blessed to have Marilyn as my champion cheerleader."
Conscious, Smart, Desirous Woman:
Imagine Having the Power to Ignite Your Creativity |
Imagine Living Your Purpose with Grace and Clarity |
Imagine Enjoying Your Perfect Vision of Prosperity |
Imagine the Delicious Embrace of Love's Ecstacy |
Imagine Contributing to the Uplift of the World |
Every Minute of Every Day! |
Sounds incredible, doesn't it?
But, wondering if this is really possible for YOU? |
The Wisdom from Your Soul Coaching Journey is for you if: |
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You are experiencing a gnawing dissatisfaction with the direction of your life but you don't know why and... |
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You ache for a sense of dynamic fulfillment, but... |
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You are feeling a bit lost, alone—without a clear idea of how to change things, or maybe... |
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You have a sense of who you are being called to become and what you are being called to bring forth, but need clarity about how to actualize it, or... |
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You are excited and inspired by an impulse that is surging through you with especially high intensity at this time, and... |
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You are confused by all that you are feeling and you don't know where to start or what to do next and... |
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You are curious to discover how to magnetize all that you desire... |
Hi, I'm Marilyn Hager, International Transformative Master Coach, and I am so glad that you are here. I have been preparing for our journey together...
My Wisdom from Your Soul Coaching Journey is designed to insure that your unique life pathway is powered by your Soul's wise guidance. As we travel together, I will connect you with an infinite, always available awareness, far beyond where your mind can go—toward a clarity of knowing—to shift the inner confusion that has kept you stuck and dissatisfied.
I will share with you potent practices for unlocking and harnessing the power of your Soul's powerful inspiration. You will have the opportunity to experience the ever-deepening, ever-expanding relationship with your Soul's ability to help you access and express your own sublime wisdom, every minute of every day.
You will connect with consistent clarity and power for: |
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Discovering your calling |
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Manifesting prosperity |
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Experiencing delicious love and deep happiness |
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Catalyzing your creativity |
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Expressing, living and embodying your potential |
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Sustaining a pure energy flow to create the life you came here to live |
During this Personal Coaching Journey
Powered by Your Soul's Infinite Wisdom You Will:
Embrace these 7 Wisdom Keys to
Fulfill Upon the Life of Your Dreams: |
Manifest what is missing in your life: living your purpose and calling; love and happiness; a career that matches your values and generates prosperity; deepening your spiritual connection; a vital, healthy body; fun, creativity and self-expression, sustained, pure energy flow to create the life you came here to live. |
Create more than you can alone by magnetizing deeply rewarding relationships with others. |
Live a fruitful life from a solid inner foundation of self-trust. Become your personal best, directed by your own inner guidance. Receive the nurturing support of your own wise and compassionate, Mature Knowing. |
Produce outcomes beyond where your mind alone can take you. Harness your multi-dimensional Soul wisdom. |
Experience a sustained high level of energy, clarity, courage and creativity to achieve success. Embody the power of potent Soul Wisdom practices. |
Generate unstoppable momentum to fulfill upon your greatest visions. Weave an empowered, cooperative field between your empowered feminine knowing and productive masculine structural systems.
Create from the center of your aligned mental, emotional and energetic field. |
Following the seven Wisdom Keys for Soulful Living supports you to ignite your manifestion powers. You will learn to lovingly move through your day filled with vitality and possibility.
Here's how:
Break Free of the Hidden Barriers to Your Soul-Connection
In our exploration of Wisdom Key Two: Preparing to Receive Your Soul's Blessings, you will: |
Unlock your inner channel to your Soul's wisdom. |
Gracefully navigate life as you create an empowered relationship with your "annoyance triggers." |
Create positive outcomes as you learn to step back, witness and contain conflicts, set-backs and disappointments. |
Challenge the beliefs and assumptions that have kept you bewildered and spiraling in a discontented swirl. |
The New Pathway to Possibilities
In our exploration of Wisdom Key Three: Walking as Who You Came Here to Be, you will: |
Embrace a sense of peace, passion and connection with yourself, others and all of life. |
Break free from the grip of negative thoughts and feelings that have been holding you back. |
Be nurtured by the support of your wise and compassionate, Mature Knowing. |
Harness the power of your True Nature, your creative wisdom, strength, ferocity and courage as you step forward to co-create with your Soul. |
Crossing the Threshold
In our exploration of Wisdom Key Four: Communing with Your Soul, you will: |
Stand in alignment with your True Nature and befriend the Guardian of the Gateway to your Soul's multi-dimensional knowing. |
Receive potent guidance through a direct conversation with the source of all being. |
Connect with the Evolutionary Impulse itself and take next steps toward your Highest Potential being fulfilled. |
Harness an expansive awareness of possibility and confidently stride forward as you actualize your dreams. |
In our exploration of Wisdom Key Five: Keeping the Gateways Open, you will: |
Master Quantum practices to support you to maintain a constant connection with the guidance of your Soul. |
Establish a new way of going that includes balance and self-care as you ride the incredible wave of inspiration that your Soul's guidance provides. |
Create methods for accountability and self-compassion as you incorporate all that you have experienced. |
Develop a fluid relationship with all that you wish to embrace as the embodiment of your True Nature. |
In our exploration of Wisdom Key Six: Moving through Life from Your Soul, you will: |
Treasure your True Value as you gracefully continue along your journey, filled with a sense of safety and direction from deep within. |
Harness self-confidence and compassion for others from a heart-centered knowing that all things are possible. |
Nurture the seeds of your potential as the Master Keeper of your Flourishing Garden of Wisdom and Truth. |
Weave together the power of feminine wisdom with masculine structural systems o generate unstoppable momentum and fulfill upon your greatest visions.
In our exploration of Wisdom Key Seven: The Alchemy of Your Essence, you will: |
Passionately go forth along your evolutionary pathway following the seven Essence Keys for soulful living. |
Step forward into positive power that leads to fulfillment from a still-point visceral awareness. |
Collaborate with the truth of who you are, potentized by the wisdom of your Soul in everything you do, everywhere you go. |
Enjoy the life of your dreams as you hold a powerful center of deep and higher awareness, co-creating with others and life as you never knew was possible. |
About Marilyn Hager
As an International Certified Transformational Coach, I am excited to support your empowerment, success and fulfillment! I specilaize in connecting you with your Soul's wisdom and hold a deep passion for igniting your possiblities. My
coaching guides you to leap past your limitations, embody your
life purpose, and move forward from the center of your
Soul’s wisdom to fulfill upon your deepest desires.
In addition to Wisdom from the Soul, I have created Goddess of Success,
an adjunct personal coaching offer powered by my background in business consulting. Through expertise gained during
three decades as the principal in my design firm, I combine leading-edge
marketing techniques with guidance from expansive feminine awareness to support you, an inspired woman “on fire,” to make your greatest
contribution. This catalytic combination provides a pathway of grace and clarity
that promises thriving success.
I regularly use Soul Wisdom Practices as a licensed body worker, combining deep emotional and spiritual work with powerful body shifts to accelerate life-altering transformation.
I am also a creative
alchemist, visionary artist/graphic designer and spiritual adventure guide, leading
trips to Nepal and sacred sites in the US.
As one of the first three coaches trained in 2006 by Claire Zammit, I am honored to have supported the development of the Feminine Power courses for evolutionary women.
I am a Priestess of the Thirteen Moon Mystery School, having been mentored by Ariel Spilsbury, Devaa Haley Mitchell and Elayne Kalila Doughty. I also coach participants in Jean Houston's widom school courses, Arielle Ford's Art of Love and Katherine Woodward Thomas' 49 Days to Love (formerly Calling in "The One") and Happily Even After (formerly Conscious Uncoupling) relationship courses.
I look forward to traveling beside you, beyond the obstacles that have kept you from
realizing your greatest potentials and into the realm of ongoing, limitless
success and Soul-satisfying fulfillment that awaits you!
or Call 310.844.7548
to speak with me directly.
Discover Marilyn's additional transformative offerings by visiting MarilynHager.com
Wisdom from Your Soul™ ©2018 Marilyn Hager • Website designed by Marilyn Hager, PurpleFishMedia.com
The gorgeous, evocative images used on this website ©ElenaRay.com